Friday, October 19, 2007

"Coming Back To Life" PINK FLOYD

Where were you when I was burned and broken
While the days slipped by from my window watching
Where were you when I was hurt and helpless
Because the things you say and the things you do surround me
While you were hanging yourself on someone else's words
Dying to believe in what you heard
I was staring straight into the shining sun

Lost in thought and lost in time
While the seeds of lifeand the seeds of change were planted
Outside the rain fell dark and slow
While I pondered on this dangerous but irresistible pastime
I took a heavenly ride through our silence
I knew the moment had arrived
For killing the past and coming back to life

I took a heavenly ride through our silence
I knew the waiting had begun
And headed straight..into the shining sun


Ranoosh said...

I knew the moment had arrived
أحيانا نتمنى هذه اللحظة وننتظرها لنجمع كل ما نملك من طاقة ونبدأ صفحة جديدة في كتاب حياتنا لكن اعتقد من حق المجتمع علينا ان نحافظ على ما مضى من صفحات لنحمي ابناءنا من تكرار أخطاءنا
nice words & meaning but I think nobody can look straight into shining sun

AD sabry said...

nice blog AG
i like it
this post is nice
is it urs ?
i mean it look like poetry

AG said...

I stopped writing a while ago so it is not mine. it's one of my favorite songs I like the lyrics & the music as well , happy u liked i try listening to it.