Wednesday, July 10, 2019


History is a  great teacher for those who listen. I love reading history and comparing it with current events. What I usually find is that it is very similar to current events with minor differences in names and places. What surprises me is usually if you are in the centre of the circle of events you seldom recognise the cycle and the outcome which is expected "This will not happen to me". Unfortunately it will happen to you as you are only a number in the vast circle of history. This is a reminder for me and you

Monday, May 06, 2019


We all have a deep desire for closure. Open endings are exhausting and consuming particularly in personal relations. Understanding why this happened and getting a chance to blame someone even if is  yourself.

Finding peace is what you expect but beware it's not always the case as sometimes open ending are far better than  finding closure As sometimes you'll find things you would be much better if you didn't know.